The library ensures interlibrary loan for the readers in case if the documents are not available in its collection. The original writings and works can be borrowed toll-free but for the copies the loaner library can ask for fee.
For the international loan which is made by the National Széchényi Library needs to pay a fee per copy.
The loan library makes the conditions of use of the loaned documents. For the books which can be borrowed, the library establishes a deposit.
The library as a member of National Documentsharing System gives access to the documents get into its collection for other library’s users trough interlibrary loan. The single copy of copies in the stock, documents for the library profession’s work, periodicals and copies of local knowledge, museum piece and the original copy of librarian manuscripts relating requests can be refused.
In case of borrowing original documents the service is toll-free, for copies you may pay by the Allowance tax table.
For further details see The rules of library use.